Benefits of Silicone Rings to Plumbers

Benefits of Silicone Rings to Plumbers

When you think of jobs where using the hands regularly is a vital need, one of the first areas that may come to mind is the realm of plumbing. Plumbers often have to use their hands in some pretty grimy situations, whether these involve toilets, pipes, septic systems or related components, and ensuring the hands are unencumbered during any such use is important. 

At Enso Rings, we're proud to offer the very best silicone rings in the industry, with a wide selection that contains many options perfect for plumbers and others who work with their hands regularly and don't want to risk damaging or losing a traditional ring in these settings. We also offer many additional resources, such as our ring size guide that helps you determine the ideal size for any ring. Why do our rings carry so much value for many plumbers? Here's a basic rundown.

Hands-On Tasks Handled by Plumbers

The list of extremely hands-on tasks that plumbers often deal with is a long one, and includes some of these basic areas:

  • Working with pipes: One of the most common tasks that plumbers face is working with pipes, be they for new construction projects or repair work. This can involve a wide variety of tasks, from cutting and threading pipes to soldering them in place.

  • Installing fixtures: Sinks, toilets and bathtubs are all fixtures that must be properly installed by a plumber, which generally requires the use of both hands.

  • Working with septic systems: Septic tanks and related components are another common area for plumbers, and one that generally requires a good deal of manual work, including digging trenches, operating machinery and more.

  • Using wrenches, screwdrivers and other tools: Many plumbing tasks also require the use of tools such as wrenches, screwdrivers and so forth.

As you can see, plumbers generally have to use their hands quite a bit in performing their work, which is one of the key reasons why silicone rings can be such a valuable addition to any plumber's arsenal.

Problems With Traditional Rings for Plumbers

And as you may have guessed, plumbers who want to wear a traditional metal and/or diamond ring, whether to represent their marriage or any other area, may run into some common issues here:

  • Ring damage: One of the most common problems is that the hands-on nature of plumbing work can often lead to rings getting damaged, bent out of shape or otherwise rendered unusable. In the case of a diamond ring that cost thousands of dollars, this can be a real problem.

  • Loss of rings: It's not at all uncommon for traditional rings to simply fall off during plumbing work and be lost forever in the process. This is especially true if a ring is loose on the finger to begin with.

  • Moisture issues: Many plumbers also have to deal with a fair amount of moisture in their work, whether this comes from working with pipes or septic systems, and this can cause traditional rings to rust, corrode or otherwise degrade.

  • Ring avulsion: Finally, an especially dangerous problem that can occur is ring avulsion, where a traditional ring gets caught on something and essentially ripped off the finger, leading to serious injury.

Why Silicone Rings Are an Ideal Alternative

All of these problems are completely avoided by simply switching to a silicone ring, which is why so many plumbers (and others who work with their hands regularly) have made this switch in recent years. Here are some of the specific qualities that make silicone rings so ideal in many of these settings:

  • Durable and long-lasting: First and foremost, silicone rings are highly durable and built to last, meaning they won't get bent out of shape or otherwise damaged easily by the rigors of plumbing work. It's much harder to damage a silicone ring in any significant way than it is to damage a metal or stone ring.

  • Moisture-resistant: Silicone is also naturally resistant to moisture, meaning it won't rust, corrode or degrade when exposed to water or other liquids commonly encountered by plumbers.

  • Safe and comfortable: Silicone rings are also safe to wear in any setting, as they won't cause avulsion injuries or other such problems. They're also quite comfortable to wear, meaning you can forget about them being on your finger while you work. And in any case where there's a risk of the ring being caught or otherwise pulling on the finger and risking major injury, the ring will instead simply break off and avoid any such risk.

  • Affordable: Another key selling point here is that silicone rings are affordable. As we noted above, silicone rings are designed to break off if they get caught on something, meaning there's no need to worry about losing an expensive ring while you work. You can simply buy a new one and not have to worry about it.

  • Hypoallergenic and non-conductive: Because so many plumbers will be working in proximity to electrical wiring, it's also worth noting that silicone is a hypoallergenic and non-conductive material. This means there's no risk of the ring causing an allergic reaction or otherwise affecting your health, and there's also no risk of the ring interfering with any electrical work you may be doing.

In short, there are many good reasons for plumbers to consider switching to silicone rings, and doing so can avoid many of the common problems that come with wearing traditional metal and/or stone rings while working. If you're a plumber who's looking for a more comfortable and practical way to wear a ring on the job, silicone is definitely the way to go.

For more on this, or to learn about any of our quality silicone ring options, speak to our team at Enso Rings today.