Didn't Get Everything on Your List this Year? Buy Yourself a Silicone Ring to Cheer Up

Didn't Get Everything on Your List this Year? Buy Yourself a Silicone Ring to Cheer Up

Didn't Get Everything on Your List this Year? Buy Yourself a Silicone Ring to Cheer Up

The holidays are a crazy time of year, and a time with a lot of anticipation about what we are going to gift to those we love and what we are going to get in return. The only problem is that while you go into every season with optimism, you may not always feel like you got what you wanted at the end of the gift-giving season. When that happens, fear not. You can still get exactly what you were hoping for by shopping at Enso Rings.

The Big Holiday Let-Down

Most people who give someone a gift mean well, but just because you want to give something that is really great doesn’t mean it always works out that way. In fact, more than 6 in 10 Americans reported getting at least one gift that left them feeling a little (or a lot) disappointed. Most of those gifts falling into the categories of apparel, household items, and cosmetic fragrances. So what becomes of those gifts?

  • Keep them (31%)

  • Give them away to someone else (31%)

  • Exchange it (20%)

  • Sell it (7%)

  • Give it back (4%)

  • Throw it away (4%)

Get What You Really Wanted

Whether you’re solidly in the exchange category or you’re more likely to re-gift something you received, one surefire way to get exactly what you want is to get it for yourself. You may worry about splurging on yourself right after the holidays, but it’s a small price to pay for getting what you really want at time of year when we all need a little less stress and a little more joy. Enso Rings has a huge selection so you can find exactly the ring you’ve had your eye on.

Affordable Self-Gifting

Another reason you should definitely splurge on that ring for yourself is that you can get it for a great price. Enso Rings has a great sale for the New Year so you can splurge on yourself without breaking the bank after a season of holiday shopping. The average price for an amazing silicone ring is between $30 and $50, so even if you splurged and shopped for some pretty great gifts for your friends and family, you can still afford to buy yourself a special something.

Shop Enso Rings collection of rings today to get the ring that you really wanted for the holidays. What you do with all those other gifts you didn’t really want is up to you.