As comedian Jimmy Fallon found out last year, ring avulsion is no laughing matter (note to the squeamish: Do NOT Google it). Ring Avulsion is a very serious injury that occurs when the skin is torn around the finger, due, in most cases, to the ring getting caught on something with an edge or on a moving piece of machinery. Injuries can range from the skin being torn to the finger being completely ripped off. 

In honor of Safety Month, we're sharing Allen Becks story of a Ring Avulsion accident when he was just 18 years old.

Allens Ring Avulsion Story

“ I love basketball and have been playing for many years. The first time I ever dunked a ball, I was in eighth grade. The steps worked out just right during a game of pick-up with some friends. When I jumped up, I soared above the rim and I thought to myself, Oh my gosh, Im going to be able to dunk this! I threw the ball down one-handed and watched it swish through the net. I landed and all my friends were incredulous. Everyone was screaming and hollering with excitement. I just remember what a great feeling it was to be one of the first people I knew that could dunk. ”

“ Five years later, I was serving my LDS mission in rural Tennessee. It was P Day, or Preparation Day, where you have some time off to do chores and maybe have a little bit of fun. It was the 18th month mark of my mission, which meant I only had six months left. My missionary companion asked me if I wanted to do anything special to celebrate. I told him I would love to play basketball with some of the other missionaries. ”

“ I don't remember very much about that day until the game point of our final game. I had crossed over one of the other missionaries and had a wide-open lane to the hoop. I jumped up and thought, Im going to slam this one down. It had been a while since I had dunked a ball. I had a stainless steel CTR ring that I wore most of the time and out of pure laziness or maybe forgetfulness, I hadn't taken it off to play basketball. When I went up for the dunk, everything was normal, I slammed the ball down. As I came down, I remember thinking something is really, really wrong. ”

“ I had my left hand over my right hand. My ring had caught the edge of the hoop and seriously injured my finger. What followed was a series of events that went from injuring my hand playing basketball to having my finger amputated. The doctor came in to look at it and told me straight out that because they were a small, regional medical center, there wasn't anything they could do for me. I ended up being transferred to a larger hospital, but by that point it was too late. My finger had to be amputated. ”

“ Looking back on it now, I realize that if I had something besides my stainless steel ring on, they may have been able to do something. The ring was stuck on my middle knuckle which mean they had to saw the ring off. It took a long time to do this before they could transport me, and in the end, they weren't able to save my finger. What I hope others take away from my story, is that if you are wearing a stainless steel, tungsten, titanium, or even a gold ring, there are better, safer options available. ”

“ I'm married now and I wear an Enso Ring everyday. It's been a game-changer for me in that I'm now able to wear a ring and I'm not worried about it at all. If I had something like this back then, my story would have turned out a lot differently. ” - Submitted by Allen Beck, Enso Customer

Prevent Ring Avulsion - Get Him the Gift of Safety

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