Why Are Silicone Rings Safe?

Silicone rings have become a staple in many people’s jewelry arsenal for a few reasons: 

  • Affordability 

  • Style

  • Comfort

  • Safety

The rings are made of a soft and stretchy material, which makes them perfect for just about anywhere you want to go. While all of these are great reasons to get a silicone ring, the reason they became so popular in the first place is the safety factor. Let’s talk about what makes silicone ring so safe. 

1: Stretchy

Metal rings, which are the most common material for wedding bands and other fashion rings, are not designed to stretch or flex at all. In fact, metal is one of the hardest materials on earth. These rings are created in a single size and it would take a significant amount of force to even change the shape of the ring. 

For that reason, they can be pretty dangerous in some situations. Ring avulsion injuries happen when a metal ring gets caught on something—from the edge of a table to a piece of clothing, gym equipment, or heavy machinery—and the ring is forcefully pulled off your finger. In some cases you might only have some minor injuries, like bruising. But in more severe situations you could do serious and permanent damage to the tendons, ligaments, skin, and muscles in and around your ring finger.

Silicone rings prevent these injuries because they are made of a stretchy silicone rubber. If it gets caught on something, the material is flexible enough to prevent injury to your finger. Your ring might suffer a little damage, but that’s a lot easier to replace than your finger.

2: Breakable

In the most severe ring avulsion injuries you could actually have a finger amputated as a result of the force of a ring being pulled off your finger when the ring itself won’t give. Most gold and platinum rings won’t break, even under extreme pressure, so your finger will take the brunt of the injury up to and including amputation. 

Silicone rings can actually break, and will if they are stretched to a certain point. While that won’t matter for your everyday wear (they don’t break without a lot of force), it can keep your fingers safe in the event of a major potential injury.   

3: Non-Conductive

Finally, silicone rings are a non-conductive material. Metal rings conduct electricity, which means you cannot safely wear them around electrical currents. If you were to get electrocuted, the metal ring would put you in more danger. For that reason many electricians and other professions simply go without rings at work or while working on hobbies involving electricity. Silicone rings won’t ever cause electrocution, so they’re a perfectly safe alternative that you can wear anywhere. 

Take the Enso Rings ring finder quiz and discover all the stylish and affordable rings available to keep your fingers safe from harm.

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