Will a Silicone Ring Break?

Will a Silicone Ring Break?

Silicone rings have gained a lot of popularity over the years for several different reasons, but one of the most popular reasons that people purchase silicone rings is for safety. These types of rings—made out of a silicone rubber instead of a precious metal—are designed so that they can break to help you avoid injury. The short answer to the question of whether a silicone ring will break is yes. The longer answer is that it’s designed to break for very good reasons, and we’ll get into those below. 

The History of Metal and Diamond Rings

Rings have long been a symbol of love and commitment, or just a way to express your own fashion and style. They were originally a symbol of a high level of wealth, especially the rings that were made of precious metals and stones like gold, silver, rubies, emeralds, and diamonds. Over time these precious metals and stones have become more accessible (although they still come with a high price tag) so more and more people can afford to purchase a ring and wear it. 

The modern history of diamonds is quite unique. When they were first discovered by the Western world in South Africa in the 1800s diamonds were not something that most people were aware of. However, a savvy British business created the narrative that diamonds were scarce and thus valuable. They created the company De Beers Consolidated Mines, Ltd. In 1888 and began what became a profitable diamond monopoly. 

De Beers was also the mastermind behind a significant marketing campaign in the midst of the Great Depression that created a perception of immense value for these expensive precious stones. The marketing agency they hired created a highly effective campaign that convinced young men that the only way to truly express their love was with a diamond ring to propose marriage. The size and cost of the ring became symbols of his love (and his success). 

And so a cultural norm was born, where men were expected to purchase a diamond ring and women were expecting to get one. 

Silicone Rings and Safety

Over the years the expectation of diamond rings and metal wedding bands has not subsided, but there have been some significant changes. One of the most critical forces that has changed people’s excitement for wearing a diamond ring or a metal wedding ring is the fact that they can pose some risk for the safety of your fingers. 

Workplaces where your fingers are at higher risk of injury now routinely prohibit employees from wearing them, such as mechanics, electricians, and military or law enforcement. People who are still allowed to wear them often forego them voluntarily, such as healthcare professionals. Additionally, many people who participate in extracurricular hobbies and activities that can lead to danger will decide not to wear a metal ring either. That includes everything from a workout at your local gym to an adventure backpacking or hiking in the mountains. 

People who are concerned about the safety of their fingers often switch their metal ring for a silicone one instead. The reason is simple: the silicone ring can and will break if your finger is in danger of an injury. The metal ring will not, and your finger will bear the brunt of the trauma as a result. 

Why Silicone is Safer for Your Fingers

The main reason that silicone rings are safe for your hands is pretty simple. When a ring gets caught on something like fabric or heavy equipment, and the weight of your body is moving the opposite direction, the ring will be forcefully pulled from your finger. It’s an injury called ring avulsion that is fortunately not extremely common, but it is very painful. Metal rings are particularly dangerous because they are not designed to break, so the force of the ring pulling from your finger is entirely absorbed by the tissues, joints, and tendons in your hand. 

Silicone is made of a stretchy rubber material, so unlike metal it actually can break if necessary. The silicone rubber is extremely durable in most situations, even able to get up to about 500 degrees Fahrenheit and down to about -75 degrees before it significantly degrades or gets damaged. However, if enough force is applied the silicone itself will snap. While it will destroy your ring, your finger will remain safe. 

For most people the cost to replace a silicone ring (averaging around $40 to $50) is well worth the peace of mind and security that you get from not wearing a metal ring. 

Get Your Silicone Ring Today

Silicone rings are available from the top retail site Enso Rings so you can get stylish and amazing designs that perfectly fit your needs. Shop our whole collection today to see all the benefits that silicone rings offer and find the one that is right for you.