Benefits of Silicone Rings for Dental Hygienists

Benefits of Silicone Rings for Dental Hygienists

There are many occupations out there where use of the hands is of paramount importance, and those who serve as dental hygienists are great examples. Responsible for everything from examining teeth to deep cleaning, applying fluoride and even offer gum and other treatments, dental hygienists need the full use of both hands at all times -- and among those who want to wear a wedding or any other kind of ring, the silicone ring is often a great choice.

At Enso Rings, we're happy to offer a huge variety of silicone ring options, including our Ultralite collection featuring a number of rings so light and comfortable that many people forget they're wearing them throughout the course of the day. These rings are often perfect for dental hygienists and others in similar roles -- and their overall comfort isn't the only reason. Here are some other major benefits of silicone rings to those in these occupations. 

What a Dental Hygienist Does

For those unsure what we're referring to here, a dental hygienist is the individual you typically are treated by at your dentist office before seeing the actual dentist. The hygienist may carry out a number of specific tasks or roles, including:

  • Examining teeth and gums for problems

  • Taking x-rays and images of teeth

  • Removing tartar or plaque buildup using scalers, curettes and other tools

  • Showing patients how to brush better, floss regularly and maintain their teeth in the best possible manner

  • Applying sealants if necessary for children under the age of 13

  • Deep cleaning with scaling or polishing

  • Cleaning, sterilizing and maintaining various dental tools and equipment

  • Offering up final recommendations for treatment or next steps

  • Helping patients feel at ease and comfortable throughout the process

Issues With Metal Rings

As you may have guessed just while reading the above, those who work as dental hygienists typically find that it's extremely bothersome, if not virtually impossible, to wear a traditional metal and stone ring while on the job. This is for a few reasons:

  • Sanitation: First and foremost, dental hygienists are held to incredibly high standards of sanitation and cleanliness. It's necessary to wear gloves for many procedures, as well as a mask and hair cap, and this means that it's just not practical or hygienic to wear metal or stone rings while working on someone's mouth. Metal rings often harbor more germs and bacteria than you can imagine -- which leads into the next problem.

  • Germ Warfare: It's not just that metal rings are harder to keep clean, they also can serve as more of a magnet for germs and bacteria than almost any other type of ring out there. Whether it's the oils from people's skin, saliva, remnants of foods and drinks or countless other substances, metal rings can practically gather germs in a single day in some cases.

  • Risk of falling off: Finally, metal rings are more likely than silicone rings to slip off the finger, particularly if one's hands are wet or sweaty. This can lead to numerous problems, including dropping instruments inside of people's mouths or other teeth that could lead to injury.

There are a few reasons why silicone rings serve as ideal alternatives, which we'll go over below.

Fully Sanitary

Between the simple fact that they're completely hypoallergenic and snugly wrapped around your finger, silicone rings are simply a far more sanitary and hygienic option than any metal or stone ring. This is because they simply don't collect germs like other types of rings, which makes them much easier to clean and maintain between uses.

Just as importantly, they won't serve as harboring points for germs and bacteria, which is a problem with metal rings. This means dental hygienists can safely work on patients' mouths with no risk of transmitting any germs or bacteria to one another, which is absolutely essential.

Wearing With Gloves

As we noted above, dental hygienists will wear gloves for nearly every single procedure that takes place inside the mouth. And for those with a traditional metal ring and a stone that protrudes from it, this can be a problem because of the risk of snagging or catching the gloves.

Silicone rings for dental hygienists are ideal in part because they're not going to catch or snag on other objects while being worn, which makes them much safer and more comfortable to wear while working. And since they tend to fit rather snugly without being too tight, they won't slip off the finger very easily during use.


In addition, silicone rings are made with safety in mind. They're meant to break off if they're caught or snagged in a way that might risk injuring the finger, unlike metal rings which are much sturdier and more likely to chip or break in the same situation.

For instance, if a metal ring happens to become caught on any kind of dental item, such as a tray or metal tool, the ring could break and lead to serious injury. This is particularly problematic if an instrument goes flying out of a person's hand unexpectedly -- like electric files used for shaping teeth, for instance -- which puts the wearer at risk. Silicone rings, however, will simply tear and pop off the finger if they're caught, which reduces this risk substantially.

Simple Comfort

Finally, as we also noted above with regard to our Ultralite silicone ring collection, silicone rings are extremely comfortable and easy to wear. They're lightweight and adjustable and can be worn all day, every day without discomfort or irritation thanks to the soft texture of the material involved.

This means that if you suffer from skin sensitivities or allergies or simply prefer silicone rings, you won't suffer any unnecessary complications with regard to comfort throughout your long work days.

For more on why silicone rings are highly beneficial for dental hygienists and those in similar fields, or to learn about any of our silicone ring collections, speak to the pros at Enso Rings today.