Why Silicone Rings are Ideal for Blacksmiths

Why Silicone Rings are Ideal for Blacksmiths

For those who have built a career in a field like blacksmithing or forging, or even those who are active in hobby or craft areas that include these themes, the proper use of the hands is a vital capability that defines much of the field. Obstructions or potential safety risks have to be avoided, and in some cases these may include traditional metal and stone rings worn for engagements, weddings and other purposes. 

At Enso Rings, some of the top buyers of our wide selection of silicone rings are those who work or spend lots of time in fields like these -- where the hands are of major importance, and where traditional rings may create safety or other concerns if they're worn during these kinds of jobs. What are some of the problems that blacksmiths, forgers and others in related fields sometimes notice with their typical rings, and how will a silicone ring help you avoid these concerns completely? Here's a primer.

Potential Issues With Traditional Rings for Blacksmiths and Forgers

Many blacksmiths and forging experts long ago stopped wearing their traditional rings on the job, and this is for several reasons. Here are just a few of the most common:

  • Chemical reactions: The blacksmithing and forging worlds both include a number of chemicals that can cause damage to traditional rings, including rashes and other issues. This includes the typical problems associated with many metals, but it's also exacerbated by the sometimes intense heat involved in these lines of work. One slip could spell disaster if a wedding band is damaged, or a piece of a jeweler's ring gets warped or otherwise ruined due to heat exposure.

  • Toxic fumes: Some of the chemicals and other elements used in blacksmithing and forging can be seriously damaging to rings generally, and this is again made worse when the ring is constantly exposed to these types of elements and fume (like inside a forge or metalworking environment). This includes things like charcoal, coal dust, metallic powders and many other elements that can damage a ring or make it unsafe to wear.

  • Accidental drops: For those who spend lots of time working on anvils, one wrong move can be enough to cause a traditional ring to slip off the finger and potentially get lost forever -- either by landing in the coal or other materials inside a forge or by simply dropping to the ground since the surface is often not smooth. This is one of the most dangerous elements of wearing a traditional ring in many situations, but it's especially true for blacksmiths and forge workers who are holding heavy tools or other objects that could easily damage delicate jewelry if dropped on it.

  • Wire and catching: Blacksmithing also involves the use of many different types of metal wire, which are extremely sharp. For those who are cutting wire or otherwise handling it, a traditional ring can easily get caught on the wire and even wind up slicing through it (which should be avoided at all costs). 

  • Pinch situations: If a traditional metal ring on your finger gets pinched, it can cause serious damage to your skin, fingers and even hand if this gets ignored. This is especially true for those who are working with heavy tools or machines that have very sharp parts, so the last thing you'd want is to have a ring drag across them at any moment.

  • Simple distraction: And while it's less of a safety issue and more of a quality issue, those who wear standard rings in a job like this may find themselves in the position of needing to answer questions or otherwise explain their ring choices. Though it's not a big deal in most cases, this type of distraction is one that you don't need when you're working with heavy tools or other potentially dangerous objects.

How Silicone Rings Benefit Blacksmiths

For those who still want to display their ring and its meaning while on the job, but don't want to take many of the safety and other risks we outlined above, the silicone wedding band is the ultimate solution. This ring actually has several benefits when it comes to this line of work, so here are just a few of its advantages:

  • Chemical resistance: The silicone used in these rings is one that's extremely resistant to many elements, so you can forget about having an issue with chemical reactions. It doesn't corrode, warp or degrade when exposed to rain, snow and other elements that can wreck a traditional ring in some cases. This includes acidic materials like juices and chemicals that contain harsh ingredients.

  • Heat resistance: Even the most intense of heats will not cause damage to silicone rings, so you don't have to worry about your finger getting burned if working above a forge. This is true even when the heat reaches extreme levels, so if you're working with a blazing hot furnace or blast furnace at times, this won't be an issue.

  • Snug fit and safety: Since silicone rings are designed to be snug, they won't easily slip off your finger -- even if it gets pinched by certain machines or tools. And with so many options available in terms of colors and styles, you can find one that fits your line of work while also looking great on the finger.

  • Affordable and replaceable: Since these rings are much more affordable than traditional metal ones, it's easy to simply replace them if you're worried about something happening. And since there are so many options available, finding one that works well with your job is simple -- whether you like the look of gold or silver bands or want something more unique.

For more on how silicone rings are preferable for many blacksmiths, forgers and related occupations while on the job, or to learn about any of our silicone ring collections, speak to the staff at Enso Rings today.