Many jobs that involve creating both functional and decorative items involve regular use of your hands, and a great example here is pottery. Professional potters are responsible for many of the items we have around our homes, from artistic pieces through many items that are meant for a variety of purposes -- and those who work in this field need full, unencumbered use of their hands on a regular basis. 

At Enso Rings, we're proud to offer a wide range of silicone ring options that are often ideal for those in these and similar fields that utilize the hands regularly. We provide clients with a number of different styles and ring formats, including the Bevel ring collection that's known for mimicking the look of traditional metal rings, but with greater comfort and other benefits. What are some of the potential issues with normal metal rings for potters and those in similar fields, and why might silicone rings be a great alternative? Here are a few reasons.

What Professional Potters Do

While some think of pottery only as a hobby or an art form, it's actually much more than that. Many people make a living by creating beautiful and/or functional pottery items, whether they're working in sculpting, production, or other capacities. Usually, those who are professional potters have some kind of training related to the field -- this might be a degree from an accredited institution, but it could also come from years of hands-on experience. No matter how someone became a professional potter, though, the key is that they've honed their skills to create items that other people want or need on a regular basis.

Potters use their hands in a number of ways to create their art. They must be able to form the clay into the shapes they desire, and then use other tools to smooth out those pieces and add any desired details. Once the pottery is complete, it must be kiln-fired to harden it; this process can also be done by hand in some cases. As you can see, potters rely on the full use of their hands to create their art -- and this is where silicone rings come in.

The Dangers of Metal Rings for Potters

As a professional potter, it's important that you have full use of your hands while you're working. Unfortunately, metal rings can create a few issues here:

  • Potential snagging: Likely the most dangerous issue with metal rings for potters is the potential for the ring to snag on something while you're working. This could be a piece of clay, another object in the kiln, or anything else that you come into contact with while you're working. If your ring snags, it could pull your hand or fingers into the equipment -- and that could result in serious injury.

  • Hand swelling: Another common issue that potters and others who work with their hands regularly face is hand swelling. This can happen when your body temperature rises while you're working, and it can cause your fingers to swell and your ring to feel tighter than usual. If you can't get the ring off quickly enough, this could lead to serious medical issues -- but even if you can remove it, you might still face nerve damage and other problems.

  • Issues with skin sensitivity: Pottery may involve working with several different materials or elements, including glazes, clay, and other substances. If you have a metal ring on your finger, it could come into contact with these materials -- and that could lead to skin irritation or other issues.

  • Gets dirty easily: Finally, traditional metal rings can also be difficult to keep clean, especially if you're working with clay or other materials that could get trapped under the ring. Not only is this uncomfortable, but it can also lead to skin irritation or infection.

How Silicone Rings Help

If you're a potter or anyone in a similar field who wants to wear a ring regularly, but has experienced one or more of the above issues, silicone rings might be just the thing for you. Here are some of the ways they benefit those in this position:

  • Flexibility and automatic breaking off: One of the benefits of silicone rings is that they're much more flexible than metal rings. This means that if your ring does happen to snag on something while you're working, it's likely to break off automatically rather than pulling your finger along with it. This could save you from a serious injury.

  • Comfort: Another benefit of silicone rings is that they're much more comfortable than metal rings, especially if you have issues with hand swelling. This material is also less likely to cause skin irritation, even if it does come into contact with other materials while you're working.

  • Hypoallergenic and sanitary: Silicone is hypoallergenic, which means that it's much less likely to cause an allergic reaction than metal rings. For those who regularly may interact with different materials, this is a major benefit. In addition, silicone rings are much easier to keep clean than metal ones, so you don't have to worry about dirt and other materials getting trapped under your ring.

  • Easy to clean: Finally, because they're so easy to clean, you won't have to worry about taking your ring off every time you need to wash your hands or take a break. You can simply rinse it off with soap and water, or even put it in the dishwasher if necessary.

As you can see, there are a number of reasons why potters and those in related fields regularly look to silicone rings if they want something to wear while on the job.

For more on this, or to learn about any of our silicone ring options, speak to the pros at Enso Rings today.

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